Classical Foundation of Weimar
Main entrance to the Classical Foundation of Weimar
Weimar has the "Stiftung Klassik Weimar" - Classical Foundation of Weimar - at its disposal. Being the second largest art foundation in Germany, it oversees theatres, art galleries, parks and the many other venues. Most famous is the Amalia Library which Goethe used.
Only after this European Capital of Culture year and Mr. Seemann taking over as president of the Foundation, there was noticed a shift during the Interreg III B CADSES project HERMES 2003 - 2006 insofar cultural heritage was no longer linked exclusively to Goethe and Schiller. Rather there was now included more consciously Wieland who is deemed to have been much more European orientated poet. Once the museum on his former estate was restored on the outskirts of Weimar, this has become a favorite place to visit. The museum was created under the auspices of the Bauhaus University which created audiovisual spaces for visitors to listen to narratives as they walked through the respective spaces.
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