European Capitals of CultureΠοιειν Και Πραττειν - create and do

Avignon 2000

Official text by the European Commission:

„The main theme of cultural Europe and of the year 2000 is „passage“ (transition). The transition from one town to another, from one millennium to another, between intramural and extramural, from one neighbourhood to another, and from one inhabitant to another. The projects are a genuine forum for reflection on the city, its development and its part in history. They show the involvement of the people of Avignon and of the other Europeans in the events of the year 2000.

The 2000 Avignon Festival will proclaim the cultural amibition of greater Europe. The choreographer Pina Bausch and the directors Thomas Ostermayer and Frank Castdorf are announced for Germany; the UK director Declan Donnellan will direct 30 Russian actors in Pushin's Boris Godunov. Several troupes from Eastern Europe will take part in the drama festival.

The exhibition entitled „La Beaute“ (Beauty), which will be spread throughout the town from 15 April to 15 Septeamber, will be devoted to modern forms of artistic expression. The fashion designer Christian Lacroix has devised a system of signs for guiding visitors to the exhibition venues. 400 works from the Yvon Lambert Foundation, which is one of the largest collection of modern art, will also be shown.

The AvignoNumerique project will identify the economic and urban development of the city on the basis of the new technologies.

Neuf autoportraits“ (nine self portraits) is a travelling exhibition representing each of the nine European cities of culture that has been produced by artists from these nine cities.“


More information about Avigion 2000 can also be obtained from the report by Giannalia Gogliandro at



Press coverage:


Avignon: Im Zeichen der Schönheit

Von Anke Geffers

Das Motto ist so simpel wie komplex: Avignon, die französische Kulturstadt 2000, widmet sich ausschließlich dem Thema "Schönheit".

Avignon: In the Sign of Beauty

by Anke Geffers

The slogan is as simple as complex: Avignon, the French Cultural Capital for 2000 focuses exclusively on the topic of 'beauty'.

Über 70 Künstler aus aller Welt zeigen noch bis zum 17. September in 15 Ausstellungen und auf zehn Events mitten in der Stadt, was Schönheit ist oder sein kann. Den zentralen Anlaufpunkt bildet dabei der Papstpalast, in dem von 1309 bis 1377 sieben Päpste ihre Zuflucht im Exil fanden.

Dort ist die Ausstellung "Schönheit im Laufe der Jahrhunderte" zu sehen. Etwa 20 Säle des gewaltigen Palastes können besichtigt werden - einige der Räume sind zum ersten Mal für Besucher geöffnet.

Im "Clos de Trams" ermöglichen 20 Avantgardekünstler den Besuchern, sich mit Hilfe von Make-up, Frisuren oder Körperschmuck zu verwandeln - immer getreu dem Motto "Der Körper als Kunstwerk".

Die "Laboratorien des Schönen" heißt ein Projekt, das zwölf Musiker, Künstler und Modemacher auffordert, an ungewöhnlichen Orten in der Stadt aufzutreten. Zu den Stars, die nach Avignon kommen sollen, zählen unter anderem die isländische Sängerin Björk, der britische Designer Alexander McQueen und der Regisseur David Lynch.

Zum Abschluss des Kulturjahrs präsentiert sich das mittelalterliche und das moderne Avignon in der Provence selbst - und zwar unter dem Motto "Die Schönheit der Stadt".

Rechtzeitig zum Jahr 2000 hat sich auch in der Stadt einiges getan: Die historische Altstadt wurde umgestaltet. Entstanden sind beispielsweise ein Skate Park und der "Pavilion des Saveurs" im "Jardin des Doms". Zum Kulturjahr dekoriert der Modemacher Christian Lacroix die Straßen, Avenuen und Fassaden der Veranstaltungsorte nach seinem Geschmack.

Zusätzlich zum Kulturprogramm 2000 geht in Avignon auch in diesem Sommer das bereits legendäre Theaterfestival über die Bühne. Theatergruppen aus ganz Europa sind eingeladen. Mit besonderer Spannung wird die neue Produktion "Medea" mit der französischen Schauspielerin Isabelle Huppert erwartet.

Over 70 artists from all parts of the world show until 15th of September in 15 exhibitions and during 10 events in the midst of the city, what beauty is and can be. The central place of attraction is the palace of the popes where from 1309 until 1377 seven popes found refuge after having been forced to go into exile.

There can be seen the exhibition „beauty in the course of the century“. In about 20 rooms of the enormous place they can be viewed – some of the rooms are opened to visitors for the first time.

In “Clos des Trams” 20 avante garde artists make it possible for visitors to transform themselves by means of make-up, hairdo or hair decoration – always true to the slogan “the body as an art work”.

In “laboratory of beauty” as one project is called, twelve musicians, artists and fashion designers are asked to make appearances at unusual spots in the city. Among the stars which shall come to Avignon there is the Islandic singer Björk, the British designer Alexander McQueen and the director David Lynch.

To close the cultural year the Avignon of the Middle Ages and of modern times shall present itself – and that under the slogan “The Beauty of the City.”

In time for the year 2000 the city has undertaken as well a few things: the historical old town has been refurbished. Newly created are for example a skating park and the “pavilio des Saveurs” in “Jarding des Doms”. Specially for the cultural year the fashion designer Christian Lacroix has decorated streets, avenues and facades of areas where events take place according to his taste.

In addition to the cultural programme for 2000 there will take place in this summer as well the already well known theatre festival. Theatre groups from all over Europe are expected. With excitement is expected the new production “Medea” with the french actress Isabelle Huppert.




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