Wroclaw 2016
No longer counting: on 21st of June 2011 Wroclaw is officially ECoC for 2016
Wrocław was chosen as European Capital of Culture 2016 on 21st June 2011
Entry point in January 2011
Crucial points...look around...whistle...
boot legs - another day - the city and the stranger.
How can a direction be sensed without light?
Along the river lovers walk to promise each other a common future.
It is quite another matter to put the past behind.
Here the body stems against the door to keep the wind and the rumours out.
Across the street goes on the light in an apartment on the upper floor.
The imaginative eye sees like artists do things behind the curtain.
No one else seems to watch. It is nearly nine o'clock in the evening.
A darkness full of whispers and strange sounds fills the city.
Naturally not all of these sounds can be deciphered or decoded.
Blue notes exchange their colour with the red ones.
After the light went on, he started to notice her. Beautiful.
She came swiftly into the room but then stopped. She waited.
Still the clock moves on. Time pushes forward.
Then there is this moment in which something happens.
For someone shouts all of a sudden out loud:
"einen Augenblick, bitte! Sind Sie das? Nein. Dann Entschuldigung! Es war eine Verwechselung, aber Sie sehen meinem damaligen Freund sehr, sehr aehnlich."
("One moment please. Are you the person I am thinking of? No. Then pardon! It was a deception but you do look very much like my former friend.")
Things end with a nuanced thought:
'Von dannen gegangene Figuren, Schatten der Vergangenheit, ein Liebesgedicht!'
(figures which have gone away, shadows of the past, a love poem)
Hf 16.1.2011
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