European Capitals of CultureΠοιειν Και Πραττειν - create and do

Rotterdam 2001

Rotterdam, known for having one of the world's largest harbours, has a special landmark called NEW YORK Hotel. It was the point of departure for immigrants seeking safety or just another life in America. That destiny plays a role in how this city was shaped before Second World War, during (when very much destroyed) and then rebuild in stages until novel architectural innovation took over and gave the city an entirely new face. Literally it meant being aware of gusts of winds which could make streets into wind channels and therefore people in need of protection, of alternative ways of moving about and even more to make urban design shift in focus upon air circulation. Too often that principle is violated or simply ignored, Athens being a case in point since there the unplanned expansion plays havoc with both landscape and retaining a sense of balance with nature.

Rotterdam is known for its poetry festivals.

It became also known as advancing during that year when European Capital of Culture a dialogue between religions. One particular feature of the official programme was to have a Rabi hold a sermon in a Catholic Church and a preacher of that church a prayer in a moschee and the Islam holy man a lecture in the synagogue.

If anything an archive was created as if the stories could all be collected in a suitcase ready to travel.


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