European Capitals of CultureΠοιειν Και Πραττειν - create and do

Timisoara 2021



Timisoara has been selected on Friday, 6th of September 2016 to be Romania’s European Capital of Culture in 2021, the European Commission announced on Friday, September 16. Four Romanian cities were on the short-list for the title: the capital Bucharest, Cluj-Napoca, Baia Mare, and Timisoara.


Of interest is the interpretation of the title, and especially of the term 'capital', given a statement by the Romanian Culture Minister, Corina Suteu: “It is for the first time that the mayors of Romanian cities thought of the fact that a cultural strategy could be a strategy for development. It is for the first time that the link between architecture, urbanism, innovation, education, culture and the environment was seen as an integrated entity and it is also for the first time that some long-term plans meant to develop the concept of capital were translated into operational, financial and human resources terms”.

Source: Radio Romanio International

Originally 'capital' meant a city like Paris or London so that the designated city could assume responsibility for what happens to culture, but here the term 'capital' is intepreted in a materialistic way.

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