European Capitals of CultureΠοιειν Και Πραττειν - create and do


Press reviews are crucial elements when assessing the success or not of a European Capital of Culture. Most of them take a positive view, with some exceptions e.g. in the case of Patras 2006 when the official programme was not in print at the start of the year, but came out only three month into the year.

Public relations, communications, criteria of success vary but no one denies most of the time the press responds to high lights and rarely if ever at all picks up nuances although they might be well the gems which entail a significant European dimension.

There has not been made as of yet by journalists and media specials a general review of how the story of European Capitals of Culture have been covered over time.

Naturally media coverage cannot be limited solely to the printed press to be found at the newspaper stand. For social media means every ECoC engages now communicators which use Twitter, Facebook, youtube etc. Major newscasters like the BBC have already integrated everything from mobile phones to Twitter in order to solicit the by-passer as witness of something related to breaking news. It is well recognized by now that there are different sources of information and news, so that a variety of viewpoints can be discovered if these voices are given sufficient space and recognition to express themselves. It is to be expected that these leave many other cultural categories on the way side when things are concentrated on following categories as mentioned explicitly on the website of Mons 2015:


As this defines already a certain interface, it becomes a crucial question on how a city manages to relate formal and functional requirements such as the knowledge of venues as much as
good eating places leaves still space for the cultural content itself.
It should be noted that the main website of Mons 2015 provides as well a direct link for Journalists and a link if someone wishes to report an issue:
Journalist ? Visit our press website
To report an issue
Every city will have its own archive and keep all press coverages as this shall be a part of what will enter the overall evaluation after the year has been over.
HF 20.1.2015

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