Organisational capacity
Volunteer power
- it is claimed that having volunteers is a tradition in Frysllan
- thanks to that base many international contacts exist, and there to be used.
- expect to involve 30.000 people as volunteers or as ambassadors.
- aim "to engage citizens in creative and varied ways and establish new partnerships to maximise participation in the programmes" without naming it to be audience building
- rather a general educational programme is envisioned so as to widen the basise of cultural interested people and this by enhancing their skills
- estimated is that about 2.000 volunteers shall play an active part in the programme
- of which 1750 people will receive a training by the Stenden University.
Note: The Stenden University has developed an excellent program for hosting international guests. This is of advantage when there is a shortage of hotels and other kinds of accommodation.
Further measures planned:
- to advance the volunteer programme, Leeuwarden draws lessons from other ECoCs
- wishes to engage volunteers through a bottom-up process
- contact to the Volunteer Service Point Leeuwarden means a large pool of volunteers
- shall use a Volunteer Relationship Database to manage contacts
- A small international volunteering programme stimulates travelling and exchange.
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