Cafe 9 - communication between the cities of 2000
During 2000 the title of the European Cultural Capital will hold nine European cities – Avignon, Bergen, Bologna, Brussels, Krakow, Helsinki, Prague, Reykjavik and Santiago de Kompostella. As the organizers announce, they will be linked into the grandiose communication network that should present and promote scientific achievements in the sphere of communications and explore their impact on the everyday life.
Announced 'spectacular' opening of the exhibition 'Communications' is due in December 1999 in Helsinki. During 14 months, up to the 21st of March 2001, interactive exhibition that include the transmission of voice, picture and data, together with the reminders on history of communications, presentation of current high tech achievements and the visions of the future will visit nine cultural capitals and will be available in 13 languages.
Organizers invite visitors of all profiles and professions to take part in discussion about the potentials of new technologies and the question what indeed we expect of them. The exhibition should offer response on the question how new communication technologies change our everyday life and how the speed of communication affects society. It should help in understanding new technologies and crystallize the vision of future through; it is said, ‘real’ interaction.
The leading role in this project will have Finnish scientific centre "Eureka", sponsored by the European commission.
Except for "Communications", nine cities will present their own projects as well: ‘Nine Self-Portraits of the European Cultural Capitals 2000’ – big exhibition of cultural varieties and similarities of these cities in Avignon; ‘ARCE Net Project’ – virtual museum in Bologna; ‘Urban Challenge’ in Brussels, ‘God’s Faces’ in Krakow, in cooperation with Avignon, Brussels and Santiago de Kompostella, including subprojects ‘The Pictures of God’, ‘The Voices of Eternity’, ‘Mystery Places’, ‘Magic Words’, ‘The Pictures of Earth’ in Santiago de Kompostella – the exhibition of Earth maps, from ancient to satellite-made, through which history of different regions should be told.
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