European Capitals of CultureΠοιειν Και Πραττειν - create and do

Ektor Tsatsoulis

27.December 2014

Introductory letter

We have met at some point in the past either during international conferences and meetings or have worked together on a cultural project.

With some of you I only had the pleasure to exchange a few words during a coffee break, but with most of you he had extensive conversations and exchange of ideas!

I would like to update you on my recent activities:
I am the newly appointed Executive Manager of the Candidacy Office of "KALAMATA:21".

The C.O. "KALAMATA:21" is responsible for Kalamata's bid for European Capital of Culture 2021. We plan to build an interesting and inspiring programme along with our partners and send a positive message across Europe!

I hope that through my new capacity I will be able to work closely with many of you and create exciting new projects!
I would finally like to take this opportunity to wish you all a happy and creative new year!
My best wishes,
Ektor Tsatsoulis
Executive Director KALAMATA:21
European Capital of Culture
Candidate City

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