The city by Lake Pamvotis
Walk along the lake Pamvotis @hf 29.12.2014
Gale winds whip up the lake. The waves toss enormous amounts of water upon the shore. The approaching sturm was already evident as the ship used for taking people to the island had to struggle against the waves.
View from above
City centre extends out onto this platform
Other side of the lake - wetlands
To understand an area, there needs to be known what proposals planners have been making when drafting the Master Plan. It included a proposal to create an ecological park so as to safeguard especially the shore line with its interesting array of wetlands and semi marsh environment. It is a bird sanctuary but also is linked to certain myths and narratives. For example, there came a Turkish general who crossed over to the other side where there is now Ioannina without realizing he had crossed over a lake. For the cold winter had frozen the water and only later he realized his fortune in having made such a crossing safely. As a thanks he had a monastery be constructed on that spot from where he crossed over.
At the far end of the lake, there is extended fertile ground used for farming. There is a lake run which covers the whole distance around the lake. It is an indication of how strong the environment is for this city.
HF 1.1.2015
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