European Capitals of CultureΠοιειν Και Πραττειν - create and do

How to become ECoC - Italy 2019


Since 1985, the title "European Capital of Culture" has been designated by the Council of Ministers of the European Union. This title is awarded to a city, which involves the entire regional area with its program.

In 2019, after Florence, Bologna and Genoa, the title "European Capital of Culture" will be awarded again to another Italian city. This city will need to pass the selection process by the European Commission in conjunction with the Italian Government, which officially started in 2012.

In detail, the selection process involves the following procedures:

•    By the end of 2012: the Italian Government will launch the expression of interest;
•    2013: the Italian cities involved will have 10 months to submit a proposal;
•    By the end of 2013: a jury composed of 6 experts selected by the Italian Government + 7 experts chosen by the European institutions (European Commission, European Parliament, Council of Ministers of the European Union and the Committee of the Regions) will select a short list of suitable cities;
•    2014: the pre-selected cities will present the complete proposal;
•    By the end of 2014: the jury will recommend a city as capital of Europe and this recommendation will be notified by the Italian Government to the European institutions;
•    May 2015: The Council of Ministers of the European Union will officially designate the European Capital of Culture";
•    2015-2019: The selected city will develop the European Capital of Culture’s agenda, in collaboration with experts at European level.

Based on what criteria is a European Capital selected? The European Commission guideline reports as follows:

  1. A city is not designated Capital of Culture solely for what it is or what it does. It is awarded the title principally on the strength of the programme of specific cultural events, which it proposes organising in the year in question, which is meant to be an exceptional year. In this respect, the concept of Capital of Culture is entirely different from that of, for instance, the UNESCO World Heritage sites. The city's heritage and long-standing cultural life may stand it in good stead; yet, they may only form a basis for the organisation of the event. Any applications in the form of a city tourist brochure would therefore be inappropriate. It is important for the programme to be forward-looking, without neglecting the history of the city underpinning its identity. This means that the innovative nature of the event and, in this context, the emphasis laid on contemporary cultural forms and the capacity to foster creativity by involving local and European artists, are of the utmost importance. The programme will be supported by a cultural dynamism which valorises cultural identity of the place developing innovative cultural outcomes.

  2. It is necessary to emphasize the "European dimension" of the candidature. This criterion is intended to foster cooperation between cultural operators, artists and European cities, highlighting the richness of cultural diversity in Europe and bringing the common aspects of European cultures to the fore. In other words, it is necessary to figure out, firstly, which characteristic Matera and its territory can show to other European cities, secondly, the way in which the Lucan cultural realities can connect and work in cooperation with the European cities, thirdly, the way in which the Matera community can develop creative in line with the challenges that Europe is facing. The event will focus on the contribution that culture and creativity can provide to the challenges of EU 2020 strategy: smart growth (urban integrated planning of a culture and knowledge city which combines economic development, culture, creativity and digital technologies) sustainable growth (combining creativity and technologies for energy efficiency and better use of environmental resources) andinclusive growth (social inclusion and intercultural dialogue, taking into account the changes in Mediterranean basin).

  3. It is necessary to involve the “city and citizens”: a participative European capital of culture. Through this goal, the European Commission encourages the participation of the citizens living in the city and its surroundings and raise their interest as well as the interest of citizens from abroad. Two principles are apparent in the "City and Citizens" criteria:
    - Firstly, the aim is to achieve an attractive, participative European Capital of Culture, namely able to attract not only the local and national population but also foreign tourists. Therefore, Matera needs to set out an application in which the event could be of interest to a Polish, Swedish or Portuguese tourist;
    - Secondly, the purpose is to develop a participative European Capital of Culture, actively involving the population's participation, at local, region level as well as and further levels (e.g. the large network of Lucans in the world). It is the city's responsibility to develop a well-balanced project by promoting the specific features of the city as elements of European cultural diversity while conveying an attractive image at international level and arousing interest and enthusiasm in the local population.

  4. Another criterion is sustainability. This criterion is intended to encourage cities to devise a programme with lasting effects, a programme which impacts on the long-term development of the city, long after a short-lived display of cultural events. The cities are therefore asked to build on this event with long-term projects and cooperation, in which it is possible to identify elements of economic and organizational sustainability. The event will therefore be an opportunity which may help to change or to consolidate and develop cultural practices in the city.

Source of information:


Interpretation provided by Siena, one of the short listed cities:

"Who decides the European Capitals of Culture?

The Council of Ministers of the European Union assigns the title of ECoC.  The Directorate-General Education and Culture (DG EAC) of the European Commission chooses which cities receive the award.

How does it work?  A jury composed of six experts nominated by the country in question and seven nominated by the European institutions meets in the candidate countries.  The jury considers the applications and draws up a list of suitable candidates.  The list is sent to the European Commission which examines it and writes a final report, on the basis of which the Council officially designates the two cities that will carry the title four years from then.  A monitoring and advisory group consisting of the seven experts nominated by the European institutions follows the preparations made by the winners."

Note: this changes after 2019 with a new selection procedure in place - the jury will be compose of 10 EU experts and one to two experts from the country about to select its future ECoC


"What are the deadlines of the designation procedure for European Capital of Culture 2019?

2012-2013  Preselection phase

On 20th September 2012, the Italian government published an invitation to Italian cities interested in running for the title of ECoC.  Candidate cities must consign their dossier by 20th September 2013, and follow the indications and guidelines contained in the invitation.  In autumn 2013, the thirteen-member jury will assess the projects and hear the candidates’ presentations, selecting a short-list of cities for the second phase and formulating observations and criticisms that selected cities must consider in preparing their final dossiers.

2014  Selection phase

The short-list candidates have nine months to present their revised and detailed dossiers.  The dossiers and presentations are assessed as for the preselection.  The jury recommends a city to receive the title.

2015  Designation

The Italian government notifies the European institutions of the city recommended by the jury.  The European Commission has three months to examine the candidature.  Once the Commission’s approval is received, the city is officially designated ECoC 2019 by the Council of the EU.  Only then can the winning city use the title.  A similar procedure is followed for the choice of the Bulgarian ECoC 2019.

After designation

The various phases of the winning project are supervised by the group of seven jury members.  Based on their considerable experience, they monitor progress and provide advice, assessing conformity of the actions undertaken with the dossier and helping the city with solutions to technical and organisational problems.


What is the jury looking for in a winning candidate?

The jury attaches particular importance to the following aspects in assessing a candidate:

Governance:  a solid organisational structure managed by competent figures enjoying a certain independence from local political authorities, but strongly supported by them

Funding:  the candidature must be backed by sufficient reliable financial means from different sources (public, private, local and national)

Involvement of citizens:  the project should involve citizens as much as possible in every phase, without distinction of age, gender, race or belief, with special attention to minority, disadvantaged and weaker social groups

European dimension:  the project should involve other European regions on many levels in a real and effective way:  coproduction of projects, circulation of cultural operators, attraction of international visitors, long-term cooperation, etc.

Programme:  the candidate should plan on an annual basis (though not necessarily all 365 days).  In the preselection phase, the main projects should be indicated;  for final selection the plan should be more articulated and detailed.  Quality, originality and pertinence to the theme of the candidature are all important elements for assessment.

Communication:  communication strategy should be satisfactory in method and content to reach different community groups within the EU.  It should raise awareness and stimulate wide participation through new and conventional media.


How does a city apply?

To be successful in the selection process the dossier must convince the jury about certain parameters.  In the candidature phase, financial resources, time and skills should therefore be distributed astutely between this technical aspect and the initiatives proposed to favour awareness of the project locally and participation of citizens.

Since the organisation of working groups and compilation of the dossier are complex, requiring precise responses based on concrete commitment by the main local actors, the technical aspects of candidature have high priority and often direct effort in unapparent directions.  This may give citizens the sensation that the project is too abstract, that nothing is happening and that involvement on the ground is insufficient.

However broad the initiatives aimed at informing and involving the population in successful candidatures of the past, large sectors remained unaware of the project, especially in the candidature phase.  Expectations should therefore be kept realistic.  For the winning city, participation in subsequent phases is ensured in many ways.

The frequency and significance of concrete projects completed is therefore understandably limited in the candidature phase, when resources are limited and the deadline for the dossier is at hand.  Closer to the year of the Capital, positive results are more frequent and significant.  It is also appropriate to plan activities for subsequent years so as not to disperse the results and benefits obtained.

Nevertheless, effective candidature requires participation to give impulse to local development.  Candidates for ECoC must feel an urgent need for renewal through culture.  They must show that they have the ideas, resources and determination to achieve this result.  This need must be translated into initiatives and projects with coherence and poetic force through an original, efficacious main theme that must be linked to the identity and potentialities of the area, as well as to its main problems, while maintaining a European dimension.

The dossier contains 40 questions requiring detailed and specific answers.  The questions are grouped under seven headings:  basic principles, programme structure, organisation and funding, infrastructure, communication strategy, assessment and monitoring, and additional elements.


What are the benefits for the city?

Siena and its province are candidates in the middle of the worst economic and institutional crisis of their recent history.  More than for other candidates for the title of ECoC 2019, a victory for Siena would mean an important opportunity for renewal and for building a new model of local development based on culture, offering prospects and hope to an area that today looks forward with fear and trepidation.  Through the ECoC project, Siena could propose to become a new centre of production and investment in the creative and cultural field, from digital platforms to exhibitions, from music to design, from literature to theatre, giving new impulse to quality crafts, gastronomy, cultural welfare and interactions between culture, medicine, life science, advanced technology and services, attracting talents from all over the world.

The benefits of the ECoC title would not be limited to the year 2019.  The dossier asks Siena to think of the future beyond the year of the celebration, to imagine a truly sustainable path of development so that future generations will reap the fruits of the work.


What can I do to sustain the candidature of Siena?

You can contribute by collaborating as a volunteer to the production and organisation of events, distribution of material, or even simply by becoming an “ambassador” of the candidature with your friends and acquaintances, your family and your work.  To discover how to do this in practice, pay us a visit at the Design Unit or take part in one of the many events accompanying the candidature process.  Afterwards you can leave your contact details and be informed of coming initiatives.  You can also follow the project through the social media, offering your opinions and ideas, and involving others.


What can the candidature do for me?

Nomination as ECoC has enormous cultural, social and economic benefits during the year of the manifestation as well as in the years preceding and following it.  It is a unique opportunity to renew the city, to relaunch its image and make Siena better known in Europe and abroad.  It can be expected to attract resources and skills, create jobs, make space for a new generation of entrepreneurs, improve infrastructure quality and much more.

It is a great occasion for small firms and local commerce, increasing demand for goods and services through tourism, and attracting new attention of the international public to the province and its excellences.  Nomination as ECoC brings visibility and attention to Siena, to the direct or indirect benefit of all citizens.  Winning the candidature means involving all citizens in further improvement of the cultural and social quality of the province, awakening local creativity and returning it to the centre of the scene, a position denied by the current crisis.  For young people and the new generations it is an occasion to imagine, discover and shape the future of the city according to objectives of social, civil and environmental quality, protecting and valorising the extraordinary heritage of culture, knowledge and memories that made Siena and its province unique and loved throughout the world."


F.A.Q - Siena European Capital of Culture 2019 Candidate ...

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