Declaration of Delphi 3rd July 1999
We the members of the ECCM, representing 22 cities, Cultural Capitals and Cultural Months of Europe, on the invitation of the Ministry of Culture of Greece, are gathered here in Delphi, at the European Cultural Centre, to declare:
While considering the European project as it has been taken forward during the last 50 years by the efforts of the Council of Europe, the European Parliament, the European Commission and by the numerous networks of cities, cultural organisations and persons active in culture:
It is not sufficient to pursue solely economic and technocratic goals;
We trust that is is essential to strengthen the cultural activities and dialogue among the European cities when our Continent is hurt by war and conflict;
When faith in the European project amongst the peoples of Europe has faltered amidst apathy and disillusion, and;
When the bonds of respect and mutual understanding are fraying in the face of renewed intolerance, national competition and ethnic hatred.
We believe through free expression and dialogue these negative forces can be checked and reversed;
To secure conditions for such dialogue, it is essential to re-focus on the creative cultural energies of the peoples of Europe;
To emphasize the cultural dimension, which draws on the accumulated cultural richness of the peoples of Europe, respecting their diversities and promising to re-awaken interest and hope in the European idea.
That in this way, and by these means, can the future of Europe and the peace and prosperity of its people be secured.
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