European Capitals of CultureΠοιειν Και Πραττειν - create and do

Informal network - Ruhr 2010 and Liverpool '08

RUHR.2010 GmbH

International Relations

announces in 2007 that a meeting of the ECOC network has taken place - see

and this in relation to not only Europe, but the entire international world. What was already a theme at the ECCM symposium held in Athens 2005, and taken up again at the ECCM Symposium 'Productivity of Culture', namely 'a network of networks' linked by the common idea of wishing to have a Capital of Culture not only in Europe, but on every continent, became an interesting perspective for Ruhr 2010 and this jointly with Liverpool '08 and Istanbul 2010. Out of this emerged the new perspective of wishing to follow up after having been European Capital of Culture with something relating region - nation - international, and thereby transcending the European level.

International Capital of Culture


The meeting of the “ECOC” network in the Ruhr metropolitan area took place in 2007. Following text was provided by Ruhr 2010 after that meeting took place:

"It is not only essential that the programme of a European Capital of Culture includes international elements - the work itself needs to be coordinated internationally and to be fully representative at the European level. RUHR.2010 is not just a regional project, but a major national event attracting international interest.

The European Capital of Culture initiative has gained considerably in national and international importance during the past years. Alone, politics and the economy are apparently not - or no longer - able to communicate the idea of Europe. This is why culture - as an element of the new Europe capable of creating identity - has managed to make it to the very top of the agenda of dialogue between European countries.

The current and future European Capitals of Culture have picked up on this new dimension. As "European Capitals of Culture" (ECOC) they have created a new network and have strengthened their cooperation. This process has been particularly driven by RUHR.2010, Istanbul 2010 and Liverpool 2008. Being this self-assured and proactive is something new in the history of the Capitals of Culture. Co-productions and networking have become the standard. Beyond that, RUHR.2010 is also engaged in consulting work with towns and cities that are currently participating in the application process of future Capital of Culture countries in 2015 and 2019. These contacts have the capacity to become high-level success stories of networking on a European level.

For RUHR.2010 this also means contributing to the European dialogue on culture through its own nominated permanent representatives. RUHR.2010 is part of the network of the European Capitals of Culture, the EUROCITIES platforms, Les Rencontres and institutions such as A Soul For Europe, as well as the Deutsche Vereinigung der Europäischen Kulturstiftung (German Forum of the European Cultural Foundation). The annual conference of "Les Rencontres" is, in fact, going to be held in Essen in October 2010.

In order to promote its cultural agenda internationally, RUHR.2010 cooperates with a range of influential partners. The Goethe Institute has been closely involved. The exchange with the Department of Foreign Affairs, the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media, the Office of the Federal President and the State Chancellery of North Rhine-Westphalia gives RUHR.2010 political leverage at a national and international level.

RUHR.2010 also runs regular events relating to projects that are in the pipeline for the European Capital of Culture as part of the representations made by North Rhine-Westphalia to federal agencies and agencies of the European Union in Berlin and in Brussels.

The international aspects of a European Capital of Culture are not only apparent in its contacts, networks and communication methods. The programme itself is strongly influenced by international and particularly European features. This meets one of the main criteria of the European Commission in Brussels, namely that the concept should contain a visible "European dimension". And it is in this regard that RUHR.2010 is cooperating especially closely with the other two European Capitals of Culture 2010: Istanbul in Turkey and Pécs in Hungary. Together this makes a trio that could not be more different - in terms of dimension, mentality and concept. This also holds true for the forms of cooperation as these are equally diverse. All three cities are, for instance, involved in the joint Temporary City project. Projects such as the "Karawane" or "move to 10" are taking place as part of the TWINS initiative. The RUHR.2010 programme is not only enhanced by such trilateral projects, but also by innumerable bilateral collaborations. Apart from this, there are also contacts with other European Capitals of Culture which are participating in various projects. These are currently Linz 2009, Turku 2011, Marseille Provence and Košice 2013.

At the national European level, the Netherlands is the closest cooperation partner of RUHR.2010. The Dutch cultural and creative scene can therefore also be experienced as part of more than 50 projects large and small taking place in the Ruhr Metropolis during 2010. Countless artists from our neighbouring country will be participating in the larger RUHR.2010 projects. In addition, Dutch cultural institutions and cities as well as Dutch artists and creative minds are developing a colourful programme of their own involving theatre, music, fine arts, landscaping and architecture, design and the creative industries by closely cooperating with local partners from the Ruhr. The Dutch, who are themselves guests of the Ruhr region, will also be creating some unusual dwellings and will thereby temporarily be playing the role of the host – or rather the role of the "guest host" – see "GastGastgeber". The Consulate General of the Netherlands in Düsseldorf, with which RUHR.2010 has been cooperating for a number of years, offers an overview of all these projects on

RUHR.2010 thinks, speaks and acts internationally and is hoping to continue to do so after 2010."



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