European Capitals of CultureΠοιειν Και Πραττειν - create and do

Second Annual Conference in Liverpool 16 - 17 Oct 2008

Whose Culture(s)?

Proceedings of the Second Annual Conference of the University Network of European Capitals of Culture

held in Liverpool 16 / 17 October 2008

Editor: Wim Coudenys

UNeECC Forum, Vol. 1

Table of Contents:

Wim Coudenys, "Whose culture are we talking about"

Spyros Mercouris, "Europe's cultural and political voice - the role of European Capitals of Culture"

Marc Delbarge, "The European Capitals of Culture, their past, the future of Europe and the actual European awareness policy: the cases of Salamanca and Bruges"

Ana-Karina Schneider, "Minorities, margins, peripheries and the discourse of Cultural Capitals"

Simona Romano, "Global martial culture and design"

Peter P. Mueller, "Paradoxes in the mediation of culture for foreigners"

Cigdem Kurt, "A mirror of culture: how the centers of European culture have affected its periphery - the example of French literature's impact on Turkish literature"

Mindaugas Sapoka, "Essen, Cracow and Vilnius in comparative perspective: contributing to a truly European history"

Juergen Mittag, Kathrin Oerters, "European Capitals of Culture as incentives for local transformation and creative economies: tendencies - examples - assessments"

John Bennet, "Answering to the audience: Opportunities and tensions in popular theatre programming with particular reference to the Royal Court Liverpool and the European Capital of Culture"

Helen Churchill, Mike Homfray, "European Capital of Culture: whose culture? Lesbian and gay culture in Liverpool"

Sarah Louisa Phythian-Adams, David Sapsford, "Capturing public value: an experimental economist's approach to the impact of Liverpool European Capital of Culture 2008"

Tomke Lask, "Local cultural habitus on the map: evaluation methods for cultural policy"

Oezlem Etus, "Fostering inter-cultural understanding in pre-service language teacher education programmes"

Timea Nemeth, Andras Trocsanyi, Balazs Sueto, "The need for a study to measure the intercultural impact of mobility programmes among health care students in Hungary"


Further information from editor:

Dr Wim Coudenys

Stafmedewerker Internationalisering

International Relations Manager

Lessius | Associatie K.U.Leuven |

Jozef de Bomstraat 11 | B-2018 Antwerpen |
tel. +32 (0)3 275 98 60 (intern 460)
mob. +32 (0)479 56 24 75


As member of the University Network of European Capitals of Culture he is editor of their publication UNeECC Forum volumes e.g. “Whose culture?” (Liverpool 2008).

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