European Capitals of CultureΠοιειν Και Πραττειν - create and do

Award criteria

The award criteria for the assessment of the applications are divided into six categories corresponding to the provisions laid down in Article 5 of Decision No 445/2014/EC and all six categories have the same weighting:

1. Contribution to the long-term strategy
2. European dimension
3. Cultural and artistic content
4. Capacity to deliver
5. Outreach
6. Management

Note: Financial Regulation of 25 October 2012 on the financial rules applicable to the general budget of the Union (Official Journal L 298 of 26.10.2012)

1. As regards the "contribution to the long-term strategy", the following factors shall be taken into account:

2. As regards the "European dimension", the following factors shall be taken into account:

3. As regards the "cultural and artistic content", the following factors shall be taken into account:

4. As regards the "capacity to deliver", the following factors shall be taken into account:


5. As regards "outreach", the following factors shall be taken into account:


6. As regards "management", the following factors shall be taken into account:


Note: These criteria are explained and illustrated by examples in the Guide for candidate cities, available on the websites of [the Managing Authority designated by the Ministry of Culture for the organisation and management of the competition and/ or Ministry of Culture

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