European Capitals of CultureΠοιειν Και Πραττειν - create and do

Bologna 2000


Slide used by Irene Marotta, University of Palermo during her presentation about "Multicultural city in the Mediterranean territory green city Palermo 2019" at the 7th Interdisciplinary Conference of the University Network of European Capitals of Culture, "Cultural Encounters - The Mosaic of Urban Identities", Marseille, France 17 - 18 October 2013. Obviously with 21 Italian cities competing for the title to be awarded for 2019, references of former ECoC cities can give some guidance



Official text by the European Commission:

„Bologna is celebrating the Europe of culture and the year 2000 by paying tribute to its past at a time when it is looking towards the future.

The topic of communication has been chosen; a committee chaired by Umberto Eco is behind the Netmage project, an international event promoting audiovisual experiments and audio-visual production in a network. Areas for information, communication and cultural events will be set up in specially renovated historical buildings that can be visited personally by citizens and Internet users alike.

The famous University of Bologna, which is the oldest university in Europe and the world, will play a crucial role in the measures to promote the new technologies in the audio-visual sector.

Bologna will present CafeNINE, which is a project for the arts and the new media, bringing together cyber-cafes in the nine European Cities of Culture.

The European spirit will be brought to the fore in an exhibition organied in the Modern Art Gallery: the works chosen will present the major figures of European art in the 20th century (Picasso, De Chirico, Nolde, Kandinsky).“



Also more information about Bologna 2000 can be obtained from the report by Giannalia Gogliandro at

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